Thursday, September 29, 2011

Stalking other blogs!

To Abbie Weil:
We are reading the same book! Yay!! I loved your 20 pictures blog post. It totally brought out your sense of humor! I especially liked the one of the two boys cheering. They look familiar? What do you think of the book so far? I know that for a book as cheesy as a plot line of long lost triplets, I thought it was well written. I definetly think the emotions the girls were feeling was well potrayed. What do you think? Sometime in your blog I think you should mention how freaked out you would be if you found out you were a triplet. I think that would be entertaining! :)
Sloan :)

To Laurel Stewart:
Hola mi mejor amiga! This book looks darling, and I'm really considering reading it for next quarter! This book fits your personality perfectly. I know how much you love animals, and especially dogs. :) I love the message sent across in this book. We always hear about these tough Army men and how emotionally distraught they become and a result of war. Its precious that this sweet puppy is there way back to healing, or forgetting, back to normalcy.

To Stevie Dailey
Hey Stevie! Your blog background is super cute. I love the hummingbirds. Anyways, I really thought the plot of your book sounds really good. I can kind of relate, and I bet you can, to how busy life gets and how things get really hard at times! I feel like this book could maybe be an outlet to these feelings. You did a great job summarizing your plot, maybe I will read this book next quarter!!

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